domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Novembers Doom - The Novella Reservoir (2007)

Novembers Doom - The Novella Reservoir (2007)
(Freemind Records – Licensed by “The End Records”)

This is the sixth album of Novembers Doom, band formed in 1989 in Chicago, USA. In this album the band shows all its musical skills, first quality doom metal. “The Novella Reservoir” is a truly surprise, mixing weight, melancholic melodies and great instrumental performances with such unusual expertise. Some solos remind old times of Paradise Lost.
Best tracks: “Rain” (opener song of this album), “The Novella Reservoir”, “Twilight Innocence” (a melancholic ballad), “The Voice Of Failure” (death/doom cadence and heavy track), “Dominate The Human Strain” and the beautiful song “Leaving This” that closes this amazing album.

(9,0) Edson F. Melo

Novembers Doom - The Novella Reservoir (2007)
(Freemind Records - Licensiado da “The End Records”)

Esse é sexto álbum da banda Novembers Doom, formada em 1989 em Chicago nos Estados Unidos, nesse album a banda demonstra toda sua capacidade musical, doom metal de primeira qualidade, “The Novella Reservoir” é uma verdadeira surpresa, pois mistura peso, melodias melancólicas e ótimas performances instrumentais, com uma maestria sem igual. Alguns solos remetem as fases mais antigas de Paradise Lost.
Destaco as faixas: “Rain” que abre o album, “The Novella Reservoir”, “Twilight Innocense” uma balada melancólica, “The Voice Of Failure” uma faixa death/doom cadenciada e com muito peso, “Dominate The Human Strain” e a bela “Leaving This” que fecha este incrível album.

(9,0) Edson F. Melo

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