We dissolved UNREST!
Unfortunately, we haven’t found an appropriate vocalist and now decided to dissolve the band.
Claus, Andre and Marco will start a new project together while Guido (drums) will look for a new band.
We would like to thank all fans and friends for your great support the past 21 years!
Sellout :
We will close down our online-shop on December 31st, 2009 and with today will sell all CDs and shirts for only 7,00 Euro one-price till the end of year.
With each order you will get an Unrest-Patch for free!
Unfortunately, we haven’t found an appropriate vocalist and now decided to dissolve the band.
Claus, Andre and Marco will start a new project together while Guido (drums) will look for a new band.
We would like to thank all fans and friends for your great support the past 21 years!
Sellout :
We will close down our online-shop on December 31st, 2009 and with today will sell all CDs and shirts for only 7,00 Euro one-price till the end of year.
With each order you will get an Unrest-Patch for free!
Nós dissolvemos a Unrest
Infelizmente, não encontramos um vocalista adequado e agora decidimos dissolver a banda. Claus, André e Marco vão começar um novo projeto junto ao Guido (bateria) irá procurar por uma nova banda.
Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os fãs e amigos pelo seu grande apoio nos últimos 21 anos! Fim do Merchandising:
Vamos encerrar nossa loja online em 31 de dezembro de 2009 e como isso venderemos todos os CDs e camisas por apenas 7,00 euros, preço até o final do ano. Em cada compra vocês receberão um Unrest-Patch gratuito!
Font / Fonte: Unrest Pess